中国政府决定进行第七次全国人口普查 |
表 号: |
R713表 |
人口普查试点的标准时点为2020年5月7日零时 |
制 定 机 关: |
国家统计局 |
我们将对您在调查表中填写的信息给予保密, |
国务院第七次全国人口普查办公室 |
敬请合作。 |
批 准 文 号: |
国发〔2019〕24号 |
有 效 期 至: |
2020年6月 |
The Government of China has decided to conduct |
Form number: |
R713 |
a pilot survey for the 7th National Population |
Form issued by: |
National Bureau of Statistics |
Census, with zero hour on 7 May 2020 as |
Office of the State Council for the |
reference time. |
Seventh National Population Census |
Information provided will be kept confidential. |
Approval number: |
〔2019〕24 |
Your cooperation is highly appreciated. |
Valid until: |
June 2020 |
_____市(地、州、盟)Prefecture City
_____县(市、区、旗)County(city, district)
_____乡(镇、街道)Town(township, street)
_____村(居)委会Village (community) committee
_____调查小区 Enumeration block
_____户编号 Household number
Household Information
F1. 户别
Type of household
1. 家庭户Family household
2. 集体户Collective household
F2. 住所类型
Type of dwelling
1. 普通住宅 Conventional dwellings
2. 集体住所 Collective living quarters
3. 工作地住所 Living in work places
4. 其他住房 Other dwellings
5. 无住房 None habitation
(If the answer is 2-5, then skip to ‘Individual Information’.)
F3. 本户现住房建筑面积
Floor space for this household
_____平方米 m2
F4. 本户现住房间数
Number of rooms for this household
Individual Information
R1. 姓名 Full name
R2. 与户主关系
Relationship with head of household
0. 户主Head of household
1. 配偶Spouse
2. 子女Son or daughter
3. 父母Parent
4. 岳父母或公婆Parent-in-law
5. 祖父母Grandparent
6. 媳婿Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
7. 孙子女Grandchild
8. 兄弟姐妹Brother or sister
9. 其他Other relationship
R3. 性别
1. 男 Male
2. 女 Female
R4. 出生年月
Date of birth
出生于 Born in:_______年 year_______月 month
R5. 来内地(大陆)或来华目的
Purpose for stay in the mainland of China
1. 商务Business
2. 就业Work
3. 学习Study
4. 定居Residence
5. 探亲Visiting relatives
6. 其他Others
R6. 已在内地(大陆)或在华居住时间
Duration of stay in the mainland of China
1. 不满三个月Less than 3 months
2. 三个月以上,不满半年3 months to less than 6 months
3. 半年以上,不满一年6 months to less than 12 months
4. 一年以上,不满二年1 year to less than 2 years
5. 二年以上,不满五年2 years to less than 5 years
6. 五年以上5 years or more
R7. 受教育程度
Educational attainment
For persons aged 3 and over
1. 未上过学No schooling
2. 学前教育 Pre-primary education
3. 小学Primary school
4. 初中Junior high school
5. 高中Senior high school
6. 大学专科College
7. 大学本科University
8. 硕士研究生Master
9. 博士研究生 Doctor
R8. 身份或国籍
1. 香港居民Hong Kong resident
2. 澳门居民 Macao resident
3. 台湾地区居民 Taiwan resident
4. 外国人 Foreigner:国籍 Country_______(结束)(End)
For persons aged 15 and over from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
R9. 工作情况
Work status
Did you conduct at least one hour of paid work during 24th-30th April?
1. 是 Yes
2. 在职休假、在职学习培训、临时停工(保留工资)On incumbent vacation, incumbent study/training, interim suspension(pay retained)
3. 未做任何工作 NoàR12
R10. 行业
1. 农、林、牧、渔业Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery
2. 采矿业Mining
3. 制造业Manufacturing
4. 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业Production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water
5. 建筑业Construction
6. 批发和零售业Wholesale and retail trades
7. 交通运输、仓储和邮政业Transport, storage and post
8. 住宿和餐饮业Hotels and catering services
9. 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业Information transmission, software and information technology
10. 金融业Financial intermediation
11. 房地产业Real estate
12. 租赁和商务服务业Leasing and business services
13. 科学研究和技术服务业Scientific research and technical services
14. 水利、环境和公共设施管理业Management of water conservancy, environment and public facilities
15. 居民服务、修理和其他服务业Household, repair and other related services
16. 教育Education
17. 卫生和社会工作Health and social services
18. 文化、体育和娱乐业Culture, sports and entertainment
19. 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织Public management, social security and social organization
20. 国际组织International organization
R11. 职业
1. 党的机关、国家机关、群众团体和社会组织、企事业单位负责人Heads of political parties, government institutions, social and civil society organizations, enterprises and public institutions
2. 专业技术人员Professionals
3. 办事人员和有关人员Clerks and related personnel
4. 社会生产服务和生活服务人员Productive and social services personnel
5. 农、林、牧、渔业生产及辅助人员Staff and support personnel in farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery
6. 生产制造及有关人员Staff and related personnel in production and manufacture
7. 不便分类的其他从业人员Unclassified and other personnel
R12. 婚姻状况
Marital status
1. 未婚Never married
2. 有配偶Married
3. 离婚Divorced
4. 丧偶Widowed